Apr 23, 2018

Praying for Vocations, Always

The fifty-fifth World Day of Prayer for Vocations happened this weekend, and we thank Pope Francis for reminding us of the beauty of vowed religious life. From his message: “Even amid these troubled times, the mystery of the Incarnation reminds us that God continually comes to encounter us.  He is God-with-us, who walks along the often dusty paths of our lives.  He knows our anxious longing for love and he calls us to joy.  In the diversity and the uniqueness of each and every vocation, personal and ecclesial, there is a need to listen, discern and live this word that calls to us from on high and, while enabling us to develop our talents, makes us instruments of salvation in the world and guides us to full happiness.”

Sr. Dorothy Brogan celebrated 65 years as a Sister of Bon Secours last May. Her advice to women considering life as a Sister? “I would strongly encourage her to listen to what’s in her heart, pray, and seek guidance from someone who can offer her direction.” Read more about Sr. Dorothy, Sr. Kathleen, Sr. Gabby and Sr. Rosa here.