Sharing a sandwich led to sharing her heart! Experience Sister Anna Mae’s touching moment on her ministry journey providing justice for others.
My Life

Community life is full of wonderful friendships with my sisters. I particularly enjoy our community events and celebrations.

Cooking and trying Ethnic recipes is fun, especially for a crowd rather than myself. I guess you could call me another Julia Child. :) I have her book and have tried many recipes.

Hospitality is core to Bon Secours and getting to know our neighbors of all ages and cultures is being a part of the neighborhood.

We call anniversaries of the day we made our final vows jubilees. And, reaching a milestone like my 25th year as a sister, is cause for celebration! Here I am with Sisters Alice and Anne, and Sr. Roselle who was celebrating her 65th jubilee! Our families, friends and community come together to help celebrate.

One of my roles is coordinator of Marian Hall, the infirmary at our provincial house where our sisters who need 24/7 care live. Recently, the sisters painted bird houses with me to hang outdoors for birds to take refuge this winter.